Around bloomington, I've seen a surplus of "vsop" markings on walls and stuff. I figured, "Hey, why not catalog where they are as an exercise to learn XML and Google Maps API?" Well, it was not exactly simple, but without too much difficulty I give you . . .
Bloomington VSOP!
do you know what vsop is?
I've compiled a short list of what I believe it means, if I'm missing one, please enlighten me.
Very Superior Old Pale Brandy or Cognac
A space observatory program
A quintet
A type of breadboarding adapter
A record label producing jazz (a.k.a. Very Special Old Phonography)
Whoops, missed one.
A New Jersey gang called "Van Nostrand Soldiers Out Politicking"
It's also:
A Veterinary Student Outreach Program
wake up wake up to the pre-sense.
it is here it is now.
ending soon. all is ending.
choose your own adventure.
Personally, I like to think that it's Very Small Outline Package
I like to think that they're well educated. =P
To the cryptic oracle who talks in riddles:
"wake up wake up to the pre-sense.
it is here it is now.
ending soon. all is ending.
choose your own adventure."
I'm confused. What are you telling me? Did you intend "presence" with the play on words?
yes. play on words.
I'm learning. Please educate the ignorant (me).
s0m3wh3r3 1nb3tw33n y0urt03s
th3r3 ex1sts s0m3 h4x0r c0d3.
jesus love a watermelon
mmm mm mmm mmmm
Its the alki bottles.. I know the dude who does them (its more than one person)
Theres a huge one out at this quarry hole behind Southern something church
the church can be seen from highway 37 going toward bedford... Its hard toget out there but its HUGE! The nicknames for the quarry are 420 and sanders...
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