I went to the pet store over the weekend, and saw a frantic chinchilla, some really lazy ferrets, and rats that clustered inside the running wheel. Little animals can be funny. I think I should get a cat. Maybe I'll just play with my parents' if they're milling around the house over thanksgiving.
Social Loafing:
When more people are involved in a task, the task is done faster, more easily, and better…right? Not necessarily! Social loafing is the tendency for people in a group to put less effort into the task when the effort is pooled (when they are all supposed to work on the task) compared to when they are all responsible for their own contributions. By having more people involved in the group task, each person can put in a little less effort, thinking that others will make up for their lack of effort. You may have seen this type of situation with, for example, road crews…sometimes there are 10 on the crew, 3 are working hard, 2 are sort of working, and the other 5 are sitting around talking. Are they all putting in as much effort as they would if each worked alone? Probably not.
public class American {
private String _mood = _happy;
private final static String _HAPPY = "spy";
private final static String _ANNOYED = "nerd";
private final static String _ANGRY = "fuzz";
private static int _instantiations;
public static void main( String [] args ) {
American obj1 = new American();
American obj2 = new American();
public American() {
public static int instances() {
return _instantiations;
public void printMood() {
System.out.println( "I am in the" + _mood );
public void receiveFailure() {
if( _mood.equals( _HAPPY ) ) {
_mood = _ANNOYED;
} else {
_mood = _ANGRY;
public void receiveWish() {
if( _mood.equals( _ANGRY ) ) {
_mood = _ANNOYED;
} else {
_mood = _HAPPY;
Well, sometimes the road crews aren't authorized to do things without their Foreman's OK--it can be a serious slowdown (I've been there). Also, sometimes OSHA requires someone to "spot" another... just stand and watch them.
I think most of the time it's loafing though. :)
good old reciprocal concession.
we are certainly chums.
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