Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Michael Coates writes:
Several Mozilla employees will be attending this year's OWASP AppSecUSA event held in Irvine, CA (Sept 7-10). OWASP conferences focuse entirely on application security and are considered the premier event for this area of security.
I'm one of those mysterious Mozilla folk going to the meeting, and if you're there drop by and say hi. If you're not, you should consider coming! OWASP does wonderful things for web application security, and there are always fantastic talks to look forward to at AppSec USA.

This year, I'm hoping to spread the word about Content Security Policy a bit more; if you run a web site (or better yet, if you secure one) come find us at our booth or harass one of the Mozilla folk in the hallway and we'll be more than happy to help figure out how CSP can make your site more secure for your users.

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