Thursday, September 16, 2010

AppSec USA was great

A bunch of us from Mozilla attended OWASP AppSec USA 2010 in Irvine, and I have to say, it was a pretty great event. There were some bits of the meeting that stood out in my mind as more productive than many conferences or workshops I've attended.

The Booth: we don't often have a vendor booth at security conferences (honestly, what are we selling?), but this time we did and I found it fantastic. A variety of people approached us to learn what security features are available for web sites, and a few had pretty specific questions about CSP.

The Audience: the community present in Irvine was mostly composed of security contractors and security specialists from organizations with big web properties. The meeting was a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with folks who work on securing sites and make sure our efforts in Firefox are pragmatic and useful.

The OWASP Leaders: some of the community leaders from OWASP organized a "browser lunch" meeting with two goals: (1) to bring everyone up to date with what the others are working on and (2) figure out how OWASP can affect the security of the web through browsers. This was an incredible high-bandwidth discussion where we were able to quickly convey all the hard work we're putting into web security and also learn about concerns and new security research being done by industry leaders. It turned out that our goals were pretty much aligned with the security research community, and CSP is a big step in the right direction.

So my takeaway is that OWASP AppSec USA was incredibly productive -- rich with high energy researchers, vast resources and knowledge -- and I am looking forward to working with the OWASP community to reach our common goal of making the web a safer place for us all.

1 comment:

  1. I want to thank all the Mozilla guys for attending our event. OWASP has been wanting to work with some of the major component producers like Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, etc. for a long time. I think this event was the kickoff of that vision and I look forward to OWASP working together with the browser, language, and framework vendors to help address certain security issues where they are most effective, in the components themselves.

    Thanks, Dave

    Dave Wichers
    OWASP Conferences Chair
