Monday, October 17, 2005


It appears I will be spending some time studying in Australia. Not sure how long, but at least a semester starting in February...


  1. Bring me a back a wombat!

  2. Bring me a back a wombat!

  3. I posted it twice, its an emphatic plea.

    I say to you: One wombat please!
    You say to me: Comming right up, Miss!
    I say to you: Cheerie- O!
    You say to me: Want a side of Tazmanian devil or capibara with that?
    I say to you: No thank you Sir, I care for one wombat and one wombat alone.
    You say to me: Me Pleasure Miss

    I picture of all of this in a cockney accent.
    See what can be arranged per our conversation ( see above)
