Thursday, September 22, 2005


I got my housing deposit refund check today from the evil empire, and it had only one deduction on it: $75 for contract cleaning.

I called them up:
Me: WTF?
SB: Hang on, let me check.
Me: * whistles to pass the 5 minutes on hold *
SB: Apparently we had to call in the cleaners.
Me: Are you kidding? I was told it was perfect when I moved out.
SB: Yeah, the person who moved you out is here... she agrees. We'll cut you another check.
Me: Good. *click*

For the unix people:

[sstamm@world]% /usr/bin/smite --user=asbp
--refuse-deductions --with-bitchslap
> extracting funds ... 100% complete
> moving ~sstamm from /apts/asbp to /apts/ods
> creating /pub/
> slapping /apts/asbp/
> smiting complete!

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