Monday, June 06, 2005

coffee and comfy chairs

I went to a coffeeshop on Friday to get some work done, and got assaulted by an overbearing and bored barista. He just wouldn't shut the hell up even when I started taking my work out and doing it. Go figure.

Anyhow, he left and I settled in a very comfy chair and got lots of work done. When I went to get a refill of coffee, the (other) barista just filled 'er up for free. Said he was having a bad day, which was too bad. Anyhow, when I went to school at Rose-Hulman, I took a film class and thoroughly hated it. While I was working at the coffeeshop, the professor who taught the class mosied by. That was fun, we chatted a bit and she recollected how crappy that class was and stuff. At least we're on the same wavelength.

This weekend, the server that delivers my email went down (on a scheduled power outage) which isn't usually a problem for me. This time, however, I got lots of important emails DURING the power outage, a few of them about critical things that had to get done.

Blarhg. Back to the grind...

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