Wednesday, April 20, 2005

the talk

I gave a lecture at the University of Minnesota on the 15th, and it was loads of fun. I was relatively surprised, though, that none of the faculty showed up for the talk -- if not only to heckle me. I talked about visualizing secure protocols... including a private polling method known as Randomized Response Technique (for the mathy people). This is kind of cool, being invited and all, I feel important.

Thanks to all those involved for throwing a plane ticket and free meals my way. It was a blast.

BTW, slides are available on my website.

Now to get off my high horse, I must add that my interest in the spoken area (privacy & crypto protocols) keeps growing, and I hope to submerge myself fully next year. I had planned to find a dissertation area this year, but yeah... that didn't work. We'll see how deep in it I can go next year.

1 comment:

  1. We were happy to have you! Spike asks us where Sid has gone and we don't know what to tell her. My heart breaks to see the poor dear so upset:(

    It was good to see you, I will encourage faculty to do more heckling next time!
    You did a phenomenal job!
