Friday, December 03, 2004

Selling My Number

Yesterday I got a number of phone calls from numbers I didn't recognize. The annoying part was that the first one came at 8:30 in the morning. Like the good graduate student I am, I was still snoozing away--it was kind of a rude awakening.

Nonetheless, the calls kept coming throughout the morning until I finally got a chance to answer one.

Me: Hello?
Voice: Wow... I'm surprised to get you!
Me: Really?
Voice: yeah. (long pause) I'm with Verizon -- we're trying to set this number up for a new customer.
Me: (amazed) Really.
Voice: Yeah, this number hasn't been assigned!
Me: Well, I've been using it with AT&T. I took it with me when I switched from you guys.
Voice: (amazed) Really.
Anyhow, they got it all worked out, but three of the strange calls that originated from an industrial plant in TH.

I'm glad to see that Verizon has the number switching system working perfectly. </sarcasm>

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